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5 ways to Muscle Relief

Top 5 Ways to Muscle Relief for Under $5
            Finding relief doesn’t always mean digging deeper into your pockets.  You can find cost-effective ways to relieve muscle soreness in your home.  Try one of these five economical sore muscle remedies after your next work out.

 Contrast Bathing.

Like most, you probably enjoy a hot shower after a workout.  But before you finish, give yourself a 20 second shot of cold water, then switch back to warm.  Do this a few times before you finish up.  Contrast bathing causes blood vessels to constrict and dilate, which milks deoxygenated blood and lactic acid out of your muscle tissue and allows fresh blood to flood your muscles.
Cost:  Free!


Muscle cramps are often caused by a low potassium level.  Potassium and sodium work together to regulate muscle contractions, but when potassium is low, the process is disrupted.  Bananas are a delicious and easy way to get some quick potassium in you.
Cost: $0.79/lb


Keep muscle pain, vampires, and the opposite gender away with garlic.  A known anti-inflammatory, garlic oil is excellent for relieving muscle pain.  Fry up 8 cloves of garlic in ¼ cup of sesame or coconut oil, and apply to sore muscles after the oil is cool.
Cost:  $1.59/lb

Epsom Salts.

A bath may seem a little on the luxurious side, but Epsom salts are a cheap and very effective way to relieve muscle soreness.  Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of muscle cramps.  Since Epsom salts are made up of magnesium sulfate, and both magnesium and sulfate are easily absorbed by the skin, about 2 cups in the bath tub for 15 minutes should do the trick.
Cost: 3.99/4lbs

Cayenne Pepper.

The fiery natural chemical capsaicin in peppers that makes your mouth burn and your eyes water is the same that interact with nerve cells to block pain.   If you have ground cayenne pepper at home, you can make a warming, pain-relieving muscle rub.  Heat 8oz of olive oil or coconut oil with 2-3 tablespoons of ground cayenne until the color is consistent.  When it’s cool, massage the oil into sore muscles.
Cost: $4.99/2oz
These simple and effective muscle pain relieving tips will keep soreness and stiffness away, without having to empty your wallet.
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Jaime Savarese is a Licensed Massage Therapist and owner of Long Island Sports Massage and is widely considered the foremost expert in Massage Therapy in Suffolk County, New York. If you’d like more tips such as these feel free to visit Jaime at http://www.longislandsportsmassage.com