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Weight Training and Massage
Weight training can be used to build muscle mass, lose weight and stay in shape. During the training process, muscles are put through different motions, strengthened and in some cases, stressed to the point that damage may occur. Massage can bring oxygenated blood to injured tissues by improving circulation and stimulating the body to rejuvenate itself.
Improves Circulation
Both weight training and massage improve circulation. The movement of the muscles during weight training allows blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels.Weight training also strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Massage not only enhances the actions of the muscles, but it also offers additional benefits to the muscles themselves. During the weight training process, muscles can become strained and damaged from over exertion. Massage encourages continued oxygenated blood flow to the muscles, even at the time they are at rest. This increase in oxygen will help the tissues to heal faster and become stronger, according to the Sports Injury Clinic.
Removes Toxins
When a person exorcises, either through weight training or other sports, toxins build up in the tissues. These toxins are created as the body burns the fuel ATP or adenosine triphosphate and muscle glycogen. Lactic acid is one of these toxins or byproducts. If lactic acid is allowed to build up during a workout, it causes the "burn" that most athletes feel.
Sports massage performed before and after a weight training session can help the body rid itself of the toxins so they don't continue to build up in the muscle tissue. Massage before a work out will loosen up the muscle tissue and increase blood flow to the areas. This improvement in circulation allows the blood to flush away toxins as they are created instead of letting them build up. Drinking adequate amounts of water and staying hydrated also help to flush them out of the system, according to Dr. John Berardi.
Massage after a work out continues to replenish oxygen that has been depleted during the conversion of the fuels in the muscles to energy. It also aids in flushing any remaining toxins that accumulate in the tissues long after the weight training session is over.
Massage Compares to Exercise
As a person works out, their muscles are moved and manipulated by the stress placed upon them by the body. The effort and force the body uses to move the muscles contracts and flexes each muscle. Weight training uses the resistance of weight to increase the amount of force a muscle uses to make itself move. A massage can be used to simulate workout activity on days when know weight training is scheduled, according to Dr. Berardi.
Massage on the other hand uses outside force to manipulate and move the muscle tissue. The results are essentially the same but the body does not have to use any energy or effort. As the massage therapist kneads and stretches the muscles manually, the muscle fibers are put through similar motions as those in training exercises. During a sports massage given before a training event, these initial movements can act as warm up exercises, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the tissues before the actual workout begins.
Reduces Inflammation
During weight training, stress or over exertion can lead to muscle strain. Strain can cause fluids to build up inside the muscle tissue. This inflammation can lead to stiffness and soreness.
The strokes that are used in deep tissue and sports massage create a vacuum that keeps fluid moving throughout the muscle tissue, according to Sports Injury Clinic. Deep tissue massage forces fluid through the tissues and prevents fluid build up. It is this constant flow of blood that removes excess fluid and toxins.
Prevents Soreness
Building stamina and strength with weight training is a steady process. Continually increasing repetitions or the amount of weight used can stress muscles and cause delayed onset muscle soreness, according to Dr. Berardi. This muscle soreness usually occurs within a day or two of a workout.
Deep tissue and sports massage may alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness by reducing the swelling within the muscle tissues and by flushing out the toxins and byproducts that are released as the body burns fuel for energy